The Hakuna Matata Orphanage is a benevolent entity working for the cause of destitute or vulnerable children. We are in Guinea-Conakry. We welcome, to date, more than 95 children per year, divided into two houses; one receives boys from 7 to 18 years old and the second one girls and babies. 75 children are schooled in private schools, whose expenses are taken care of thanks to sponsorships. The age range is currently 1 month for the youngest and 18 years for the oldest, but we can receive infants from birth. For the past 3 years, we have also been welcoming young girls who are pregnant or already mothers in order to offer them a way to reintegrate into working life and take care of their children. This will also allow us not to abandon them. More than half of the residents of the two orphanages are girls because we believe that they are the most difficult to integrate at the moment in Guinea.