Vision and the creation of new perspectives are essential because change through education is a fundamental aspect of our structure.

In 2009, an association of humanitarian aid in favor of underprivileged children and in precarious situation, was created with an aim of bringing a support especially in the educational sector in Republic of Guinea and in other countries of West Africa. From 2009 to 2013, several distributions were made to schools, orphanages and soccer clubs by making several round trips to Guinea. In 2010, a convoy in a mini-bus reached Conakry to bring books with the aim of setting up a mobile library. A journey of nearly 7000 kms had been realized. In April 2011, with the support of the French Institute in Guinea, we were able to see our mobile library fitted out and circulate in the streets of the capital. In January 2014, the founder Laurence ROUYER, decided to leave everything in France to go to Guinea and carry out real projects always in favor of disadvantaged children. It was not easy at the beginning, she had to get her bearings, but discouragement does not exist in her achievements. So, she continued her fight by bringing at first her help in orphanages and homes for street children in Conakry and Labé. Then, after some time and following the different observations, she wanted to open her own structure, this House of Happiness, an innovative concept that has matured over time and continues to grow thanks to all the good wills. The first House of Happiness, which opened its doors in July 2016, has the duty to provide its children with the basic needs that every child should enjoy without any distinction of belonging, culture, religion, ethnicity, or even social status. This is their home and the only thing that is asked of them, of course in addition to respect, is to work and develop for themselves so that later on they become independent and autonomous. We simply give them what every child should have in his real life as a child... his rights. And we help without assisting as we provide them with all the necessary means to learn that the entire design of their future life is theirs to make. With our team, we just add a big dose of Love and cheerfulness ́ , because that is also part of their rights. The house of Happiness is simply a project of the association Hakuna Matata that we founded to develop humanitarian works for disadvantaged children in Africa but especially in Guinea.

At the beginning...

Education is central to the integrated global framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is at the heart of our efforts to adapt to change and to transform the world in which we live. Quality basic education is the indispensable foundation for lifelong learning in a complex and rapidly changing world. Around the world, we have seen significant progress in expanding learning opportunities for all. But we need to learn the right lessons if we are to chart a new course to keep moving forward as well. Access is not enough; we must now focus on the quality of education and the relevance of learning, on what children, youth and adults actually learn. While schooling and formal education are essential, we must broaden our vision and encourage lifelong learning. Getting girls into elementary school is critical, but we must also support them through secondary school and beyond. We must also focus more on teachers and educators, who are the agents of change at all levels. There is no more powerful transformative force than education - to promote human rights and dignity, to eradicate poverty and deepen sustainability, to build a better future for all, based on equal rights and social justice, respect for cultural diversity, international solidarity and shared responsibility, all of which are fundamental to our common humanity. That is why we must once again think big and rethink education in a changing world. To do this, we need to debate and dialogue at all levels, and that is the purpose of this publication: to formulate aspirations and to be a source of inspiration, with real resonance for a new and emerging Guinea. The House of Happiness is not a simple guest house, it is above all a project that is constantly seeking evolution and perfection. We want to create a new concept that will allow these children to be the new models to contribute to the development of their nation.

Vision and perspectives

Our project

« From education comes confidence, from confidence comes hope, from hope comes peace. »

A real reform of education in Guinea will require a complete change in the management of time and its contents, considering the equal importance of learning all subjects, whether they are abstract or require creativity or motor skills. In our re-examination of the purpose of education, our vision is guided by a central concern for sustainable human and social development. In the face of these changes, efforts are needed to explore alternative approaches to human progress and well-being. This project is a pilot project that will serve other institutions like ours. It aims to reframe an education that has been scorned for decades in the Republic of Guinea. It also aims to find quick solutions to fight against child abandonment, a phenomenon that has become recurrent, precisely caused by education. It is not just a matter of opening simple homes that will offer these children a roof, food, and clothing, it is above all a matter of giving them the means to grow up in a healthy and educated environment. The root of our project has been in place for the past 5 years and is still evolving. Today, the ideal would be to have our own building and land to offer these children other infrastructures that will allow them to access great openings of minds and perspectives of sustainable development. We therefore want to create a real campus or children's village, which will allow to properly frame their education: Schools of different levels, boarding school, learning school, refectory, nursery, girls' hostel, games room, computer room, sports and leisure room, dispensary, sports field and places of worship. We believe in the strong potential of Guinea and we are ready to take up the challenge. We know that this project has its place to help the emergence of this beautiful nation. It is also a contribution that we can give to the state which cannot do everything.

“ Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world”

Nelson Mandela