No help from the government is granted to us but we continue to believe that everything is possible!

Our institution functions today thanks to good will, various donations and sponsorships from individuals.

There are four possibilities for those who wish to support us:

- Make a one-time donation
- Become a member (20€/year)
- Make a collective sponsorship (from 10€/month)
- Make an individual sponsorship (from 30€/month)

You want to support us ?
Fill out this form or contact us directly at

Thank you for the children !

"When I met Laurence and the Maison du Bonheur, it was within the framework of a promise made to a young Guinean of 24 years, M'Bemba Sylla, whom I accompanied to the door of the great journey; I promised him that I would take care of his son Alya who remained in Guinea with his mother. To thank Laurence who took care of the sponsorship of the beginning of the school year, I decided to sponsor a child from the Maison du Bonheur. She presented me with three and my choice fell on Mohamed Lamine, 17, a young high school student who is very promising, motivated, determined and very engaging."


”En quête de sens et désireuse de me rendre utile, j'ai pris contact avec Laurence qui m'a accueillie à bras ouverts à l'orphelinat. Quelle claque, et quel enrichissement ! J'ai fait la connaissance d'enfants plus attachants les uns que les autres, qui ont des rêves d'avenir et qui travaillent dur à l'école pour les réaliser. Je les ai quittés le cœur gros et fermement décidée à continuer à les aider depuis la France. Ensemble, on est plus forts !"

Frequento l'orfanatrofio la Maison de Bonheur da diversi anni, e per due volte ho passato diverse settimane nella struttura insieme ai bambini. Nel tentativo di fare loro del bene, sono in realtà loro che fanno del bene a me ed ogni volta torno a casa arricchita e felice. I bambini piccoli sono meravigliosi, quelli più grandi sono responsabili ed attenti anche se ancora molto piccoli, le ragazze e i ragazzi sono piccoli adulti coscienziosi e riconoscenti di poter vivere all'orfanotrofio ed poter andare a scuola. Ringrazio tutta l'equipe Hakuna Matata e naturalmente Laurence che dedica la sua vita a questi bambini e a tante altre famiglie che beneficiano dell'esistenza dell' orfanotrofio."

I met smiling children, overflowing with affection, happy to be able to tell their story and to whom I hope to have brought some comfort; Mama Laurence, a great lady who gives all she has for them; educators who give a framework and are benevolent. I had the privilege to live like them and my journey does not end here! The memories will resurface, the smiles, the tears and the life in Guinea will allow me to grow. Wouldn't this be the beginning of a certain wisdom? Before I left, I wondered what attracts us elsewhere. I found some answers, but they are not enough. So... see you soon, kids ! "